Events & Experiences

I think one of the teachings the Creative Source is trying hard to convey right now is the mutuality we need to embrace in our quest for wholeness and healing. We are meant to pass the teacher’s staff from one person to another, to follow each other when we are in need, and not to become too wedded to our roles as teacher or student.
— 'Art Is A Spiritual Path' Pat B. Allen
  • In Person

    In person education & experiences

  • Online

    Online education & experiences

The Hearth Sanctuary gathering place is magnetizing people aligned with our mission who have gifts to share as artists, teachers, mentors, and circle-keepers.

We are assembling a circle of musicians, sound healers, artists, art therapists, poets, and writers, eager to support others in creating art and creating community. Interested in supporting others in expanding our hearts connection to self, others, and All That Is.

Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality
— Dalai Lama
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
— Benjamin Franklin