
Partnering with Nature

Here man is no longer the center of the world, only a witness, but a witness who is also a partner in the silent life of Nature, bound by secret affinities of the trees
— Dag Hammarskjöld

Here at the Hearth Sanctuary we enjoy the bounty of the surrounding woods and the bounty we behold even in the yard by foraging for various medicinal and edible plants. In our gardens we tend to herbs and vegetables, always enjoying with gratitude the plenty of Mother Earth.

We are called to listen more deeply to what the natural world is telling us. What do the winds whisper in the trees? What are the morning songbirds celebrating? How loudly do the raindrops ring out on the rooftop and the trees?

We are called to see with clear perception the inherent beauty in every blade of grass and grain of sand. Can we behold the perfection of the whole world in these fine little microcosms?

We are called to more consciously feel the sun’s rays warming the skin, uplifting our energies and showering us with nourishment. With hands on the earth, we may even feel the heartbeat of Mother Earth and the waters and life below.

The dandelions and chickweed, the peppermint and sage plants, abundant here at the Hearth Sanctuary offer us their gifts of taste and nourishment. The water from our well offers fresh mountain spring water giving us the gift of life. In 2001 following a serious illness I woke up to a deeper listening of the natural world. I could at once hear the unique music of each form of life. The music of the dandelion, the music of the hummingbird, the music of the water in the creek.

To partner with nature we will not just read books on the environment. We must find ourself in a deeper place truly listening to the world around us.